
Go See It Day/tired day/fun & tired day

Sunday: Go See It "Maize Maze"

It was an interesting day. 5 Tiger Cubs plus parents and a few siblings. We all went to a local farm that had a maze in a corn field. I'm pretty sure it does not count as a trip to a farm because it really wasn't anything to do with the farm. But, it sure could count as a hike. We ended walking in the maze for about 45 minutes in 80 degree weather. The maze was Star Wars themed and had quotes from the movies hidden in the maze. We ended up finding 3 of the 7 quotes. Not too bad given we really weren't trying and it was a group mostly of 6 year olds. The farm was also selling some impressive pumpkins and it was the start of tree-tagging season. You can tag the tree you want for Christmas. You can have it dug up on a certain date and then replant it at your home or you have just have it reserved for you to cut down or have them cut it for you. Overall I think they have a pretty cool farm going on out there.


Monday: Tired Day.

I woke up many times Sunday night during the sleep study. Why is it that my nose itches when I can't get to it. I did keep the mask on all night (the whole 6 hours). There was a heater/humidifier hooked to the hose. I think the condensation on my nose and upper lip is what bugged me the most. I'm not sure how much I slept, but I do know I was very tired when I got up and was tired all day. I ended up going to bed Monday night around 9pm. Very early for me.


Tuesday: Fun & Tired Day.

Still tired. I think it usually takes a couple days of good sleep...even better a weekend of sleeping in...to catch up from a really bad night. I also did not wear the CPAP all night last night. It's just really irritating. Thank you to the medic who had the link to the other CPAP solution. Neat idea they have there.

Tonight was a fun night though because I got to go out and do something I normally do not do. There is a street fair going on in town and it's a pretty big deal. All the food booths are non-profit groups from the area. I was volunteering for a local nature preserve. I was just the burger cook. But, it was fun. I met some new people and got to socialize and had some really good people watching. There was the full spectrum of people from beauties to "butter faces" (she'd be hot but her face) and then all the toothless-wonders.

I finally got the apple cider I've been craving. I ended up drinking two pints of it. Mmmmm.

One week until I start as a full-time medic!


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