
Six Degrees of Separation

So, I am ok with the idea of becoming a father-in-law. My step daughter is 21 and she is to be married this December. He's a nice enough guy. Mr. "Always" Right a little too often for my tastes...likely because I am Mr. Always Right. (just kidding dear). But, seriously, I am glad to see my step-daughter happy.

The thing is, today I met part of his family for the first time. They are nice people. The mom was very polite and complimented my wife’s cooking and my grilling more than once. (Always a plus.) But, it is just an odd thing to think about relations like that. I thought of being a father-in-law and eventual grandparent (no time soon please). But, being related to all these other people even in some extended way is nothing I ever really thought about.

Kind of reminds me of the game "Six degrees of Kevin Bacon." Or the whole theory of people are connected to almost everyone else by 6 or less acquaintances. (See the play/fim Six Degrees of Separation.)

So, if you thought of the blogosphere. This whole six degrees could reach even further...don't even think of how Google connects us all. (So, how small of a world is it becoming?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is odd to think of them as the 'in-laws'... And for me to have a son-in-law? Kind of a weird thought/feeling. It is good to see her happy. I just hope he is as happy as she is! Now...how do we get it all done by December???


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