
short notes

November is the slowest month at my service. This is normal and is expected. Two nights ago, I only had two runs in 12 hours. Last night, I had 6..one of them a refusal. The whole service has only been having 50-60 runs in 24 hours. This is nuts compared to last month when we had a day with over 100. Mind you, I'm not complaining at all. Just a crazy change of pace.


I really hate having to work two jobs. I got off the ambulance at 0600 this morning. I started at the computer job at 0700. The thing is, I like 99% of the people I work with there, it's just all the repetative questions about things like "how do i find this web page". But, what really gets me is the amount of stress some people get over things like paper jams. I suspect they do not like my "hey, it's not like somone is dying" attitude. But, really, there is a big difference. I fix the paper jam and move on. What was that? 15 minutes were they had to walk a little futher to get their print out?

I am so ready to quit. Right now, I am thinking it will be the end of January...


Update on my first code:

She's off the vent..out of ICU and talking! I got this update last night. Obviously, the hospital had a lot of work on their hands and the patient had an angel watching over her. I do not work again until Friday. Hopefully, my partner and I will have time to check on her at the hospital.

It would be nice to actually have my first code as a medic actually survive to discharge!


Thanksgiving: Not my favorite holiday. I honesty feel trapped at the realtives for hours longer than I want. The thing is, my wife LOVES the long holiday stuff. I try my best to breathe as little second-hand smoke as possible and not swell up from all the cat dandur. I do love tryptophan... it gives a good excuse to nap..even if it isn't the cause of the mid-day slumber. (article)

This Thanksgiving will be different..as will Christmas Eve with my wife's uncle, my mother-in-law's twin, passing away yesterday.

I expect to be there from noon to evening...and I'll not complain...i don't need to..my wife knows how I feel. But, I'll be there for her. That's why I do it evey year anyway.


Blogger Drummer Girl of Doom said...

Reading some of what you've said reminds me a lot of myself, and gives me some hope.

I'm currently working for a large software company, and I've realized that I went into the field only because of the money.

I've been in software for just over 6 years, and kicking myself for ever getting into the industry and relying on the income it brought. I came to it for the wrong reason, and I've got no love for it.

I'm feeling a pretty strong itch to give EMS a try; I've found a local community college that I could go to for EMT-B. What's killing me is that it's the same college I dropped out of years ago to take this higher paying job. If only I knew then what I know now, I would have lost some weight then and signed up.

Not a big fan of holidays, either. :P

Mostly posting to say: I feel your pain. :)


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